API designer Experience API
Usage Examples
A brief example of the usage and invocation of the services for the different resources
0 - Getting credentials
To start using the API Designer Experience API it is necessary to be authenticated as it is mandatory to send the token for every
To retrieve this token, a POST request must be made to the endpoint https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/login
with the username and password in the body:
"username": <user>,
"password": <password>
You will need organization-id, owner-id and authorization token credentials to authorize operations against projects. For more information please refer to the Getting credentials section in the Getting started page
1 - Working with projects
1.1 - Listing projects
List all project that user has permissions
curl -i https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects
-H'Authorization:Bearer <token>'
-H'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H'x-owner-id: <user-id>'
1.2 - Creating a project
Send the project name along with the classifier raml
or raml-fragment
depending on the type of project you have.
The type can be used in the case of the raml-fragment
, to specify the concret fragment type.
Creating an spec:
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <user-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"name":"My New Project", "classifier":"raml"}'
Creating a fragment:
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <user-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"name":"My New Project", "classifier":"raml-fragment", "subType":"trait"}'
Expect a 201 response code, with a json that has an id
property, representing the project id.
This id
can then be used to operate on the project.
1.3 - Removing a project
Having the project id, you can delete the project.
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <user-id>'
Expect a 204 response code.
1.4 - Getting a project details
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <user-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
Expect a 200
id: "<project-id>",
name: "The project name",
createdBy: "<user-id>",
createdDate: 1505484487103,
organizationId: "<org-id>"
2 - Working with branches
Note that branch master
is always present inside a project, and can't be deleted.
2.1 - Listing branches
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
Expect a 200 response code, with the list of branches:
{name: "master", commitId: "<head-commit-sha>"}
2.2 - Creating a new branch
You need to provide a branch name and a commitId from where to branch.
If commitId is not present it will branch from master
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"name":"my-new-branch-name","commitId":"<base-commit-id>"}' --compressed
Expect a 200 response code, with the created of branches:
{name: "my-new-branch-name", commitId: "<base-commit-id>"}
If branch already exists a 409 response is sent
3 - Reading branch content
For all this operations, you will need the project id and the branch name.
3.1 - Listing branch files
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/files'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
Expect a 200 response code with the list of files and folders in the project:
{path: "api.raml", type: "FILE"},
{path: "example", type: "FOLDER"}
{path: "example/file.json", type: "FILE"}
3.2 - Reading a file content
must be uri complain. /
in file-path must be escaped
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/f9e3b0a7-75eb-4626-9646-2736eb48edc7/branches/master/files/<file-path>'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'Accept: \\*/\\*'
Expect a 200
(or 304
) string of the file content.
4 - Writing branch content
For all this operations, you will need the project id and the branch name.
4.1 - Acquiring the lock
To avoid edition conflicts, the branches edition has a lock. To edit a branch, you first need to request the edition lock over it.
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/acquireLock'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{}'
Expect a 200
{ locked: true, name: "<user-name>" }
4.2 - Creating or updating a file
A list of path
is sent to save. If file existis, it is updated, if not, it is created with the content
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/save'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '[{"path":"/api.raml","type":"FILE","content":"#%RAML 1.0\ntitle: API title"}]'
Expect a 200
response, with the list of files from the branch.
When creating a file, a FOLDER type file can not be created by its own. In other words, you need to create a file inside a non existing folder (eg: "newFolder/Car.raml") and the API will create the folder and place the new file inside of it.
4.3 - Moving or renaming a file
must be uri complain. /
in file-path must be escaped
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/files/<file-path>/move'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"path":"moved-api.raml"}'
Expect a 200
response code.
4.4 - Deleting a file
must be uri complain. /
in file-path must be escaped
If file-path
is a folder, it will delete all the content too.
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/files/<file-path>'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
Expect a 200
response code.
4.5 - Maintaining the write lock
The lock over a branch will only last for a minute, and will expire afterwards.
To maintain the lock over a branch, a call needs to be made.
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<project-id>/branches/<branch>/status'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{}' --compressed
This will return a 200
with he lock information:
{lock: {locked: true, lockedBy: "<my-user-name>", lockedByMe: true}
4.6 - Releasing the write lock
After edition over the branch is done, the lock can be released manually. If this is not done, the lock will still expire.
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<proejct-id>/branches/<branch>/releaseLock'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{}' --compressed
Expect a 200
response code.
5 - Interacting with Exchange
5.1 - Publishing
When publishing to exchange, the following parameters must be sent in body:
- name: Name for the Asset to be created
- apiVersion: Version of the API to be published. This corresponds to the version field in the API specification to be published. (Does not apply for raml-fragments)
- version: Exchange Asset version to be published
- main: Main file of the project
- assetId: Exchange Asset ID to publish
- groupId: Business group ID to which the Asset will be published.
- classifier: Contains the specification language of the project. Must be one of "raml", "raml-fragment" or "oas".
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/projects/<proejct-id>/branches/<branch>/publish/exchange'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"name":"MyProjectName", "apiVersion":"'0.1'", "version":"1.0.0", "main":"api.raml", "assetId":"myasset", "groupId":"<group-id>","classifier":"raml"}'
Expect a 200
response code
5.2 - Consuming fragments
curl 'https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/api-designer/exchange/graphql'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
-H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
-H 'x-owner-id: <owner-id>'
-H 'accept: application/json'
--data-binary '{"query":"{assets(query: {searchTerm: \"\", type: \"raml-fragment\", offset: 0, limit: 20, organizationIds:[\"\"]},latestVersionsOnly: true,) {organizationId, name, rating, numberOfRates, version, groupId, assetId, updatedAt, createdBy { firstName, lastName, userName }}}",
"variables":"{\"accessToken\": \"<token>\"}",
Expect a 200
response code